A2 Posters Printing

Go big with an A2 poster to bolster awareness of your brand. Grab the spotlight with 150gsm Gloss paper, and enjoy coverage all-year-round, come rain and shine.

Use a heavyweight 150gsm Gloss paper for the ultimate professional touch, and make the most of the magnificent A2 size; perfect for a busy window or spacious wall exhibition.


  1. Product size: 420 x  594 mm
  2. Printed: Single Side, Double side (Full Color)
  3. Material: Paper or Vinyl
  4. Printed: Offset Long Run Posters – 150gsm, 250gsm, 350gsm, HP LATEX Short Run Posters – Comet Film Vinyl
  5. Format: PDF
  • Safe Zone: Keep all text 5mm from edge.
  • Artwork Size: As above with 3mm bleed to each edge. We recommend no text near the bottom or any small text as people won’t be up close for long periods to read it all!
  • Need Artwork Producing? we have an outstanding design studio here at Melbourne Print & Design, capable of quick turnaround artwork. We also offer agency level branding and concept design planned to meet your deadlines.
  • Quick Typo or Logo Change? If you have a simple change to current design have the artwork file then send an email on info@melbourneprints.com.au